Highlighted Publication May 2022
This month, we chose three highlighted publications with use of our NIRS and fNIRS devices.
- This paper investigates the effect of simultaneous cognitive and physical exercise on exhibitive function in health older subjects by using the OxyMon. Acute Effect of a Simultaneous Exercise and Cognitive Task on Executive Functions and Prefrontal Cortex Oxygenation in Healthy Older Adults Pellegrini-Laplagne M, Dupuy O, Sosner P, Bosquet L (2022).
- Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a widely spread condition that often includes skeletal muscle myopathy as symptom. This study assesses the underlying mechanisms in PAD patients using the PortaLite. Impaired microcirculatory function, mitochondrial respiration, and oxygen ulitization in skeletal muscle of chaudicating patients with perihperal artery disease. Park SY, Pekas EH, Anderson JP, Kambis TN, Mishra PK, Schieber MN, Wooden TK, Thompson JR, Kim KS, Pipinos II (2022).
- In this study, fNIRS was used to assess the advantage of bilingualism on executive function in pre-schoolers using the OxyMon. Bilinguals have more effective executive function: Evidence from an fNIRS study of the neural correlates of cognitive shifting. Li H, Wu D, Sha Xi JY, Chang C, Luo J (2022).