fNIRS emotion recognition method based on multi-scale fusion features

Functional near-infrared imaging is a brain imaging technology that measures changes in cerebral blood oxygenation. Due to its high portability and spatial resolution, fNIRS is widely employed in emotion cognition. However, current feature extraction …

Advanced Machine Learning Approaches for Classifying Parkinson's Disease Using fNIRS Data from Gait Analysis

This study investigates the use of machine learning to differentiate between Parkinson's patients and healthy individuals using functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) signals collected during walking. fNIRS data, which monitor brain activity, …

Investigating the Neural Correlates of Different Levels of Situation Awareness and Work Experience

Maintaining good situation awareness is crucial for workers’ safety on the dynamic and complex construction site, and workers with more experience may contribute to better performance in safety. However, little research has investigated the cognitive …

Partial Personalization for Worker-robot Trust Prediction in the Future Construction Environment

Establishing proper trust between human workers and robots is crucial for ensuring safe and effective human-robot interaction in various industries, including construction. An accurate trust prediction facilitates timely feedback and interventions, …

A potential rapid detection of cognitive status in the brain: an fNIRS study

In the realm of human factors, objective assessment of cognitive states is crucial for the safe completion of tasks. Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) can be employed to recognize the cognitive activities and evaluate the mental workload …

Cerebral and muscle near-infrared spectroscopy during lower-limb muscle activity – volitional and neuromuscular electrical stimulation

Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) can lead to blood clotting in the deep veins of the legs, a disease known as deep vein thrombosis. An estimated 40 percent of people in the United States have venous insufficiency that may be ameliorated with …

Insight into brain-muscle oxygenation relationship before and after anaerobic threshold using near-infrared spectroscopy: a feasibility study

Monitoring the oxygenation levels of the prefrontal cortex during exercise is crucial in assessing decision-making abilities and cognitive responsibilities. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a non-invasive optical technique that measures and …

The Power of Fear: Exploring the Neural Responses to Horror Scenes in Different Audiovisual Modes

Neurocinematics is an emerging interdisciplinary field at the intersection between Human-Computer Interaction, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), and cinematics, that explores the use of brain and physiological data (such as functional Near …

Effect of Time Pressure and Cognitive Demand on Line Workers’ Risk-Taking Behaviors: Assessment of Neuro-Psychophysiological Responses in a Mixed-Reality Environment

Recent research suggests construction workers fall prey to the cognitive biases of risk compensation, wherein workers offset safety improvements by taking more risks. Parallel previous literature indicates that time pressure and mental load may …

Effects of Skill Differences of Adjacent Assemblers on Job Performance Based on Fnirs:

The LEGO model was used to simulate the actual assembly line assembly operation, and a repetitive assembly task experiment was designed, taking into account the differences in the skills of adjacent assembly personnel, and the behavior performance …

Biomarkers of Peripheral Fatigue in Subjects with Vascular and Neurological Motor Disabilities During an Incremental Treadmill Test Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a progressive atherosclerotic disease that affects textgreater8 million Americans.1 Symptoms of PAD are caused by insufficient arterial blood flow to the lower extremities, which often results in ischemia-induced, …

Feeling Positive? Predicting Emotional Image Similarity from Brain Signals

The present notion of visual similarity is based on features derived from image contents. This ignores the users' emotional or affective experiences toward the content, and how users feel when they search for images. Here we consider valence, a …

Impact of blunted cerebral oxygenation on COPD patients’ functional performance

Introduction: Albeit physical activity (PA) has an important role concerning the health of patients with chronic respiratory diseases, it remains unclear how PA patterns compare among different diseases. Aims: To compare PA levels of 3 major chronic …

Affective Relevance: Inferring Emotional Responses via fNIRS Neuroimaging

Information retrieval (IR) relies on a general notion of relevance, which is used as the principal foundation for ranking and evaluation methods. However, IR does not account for more a nuanced affective experience. Here, we consider the emotional …

Cortical activation during fine motor movement of Parkinson’s disease patients using fNIRS (P4-11.013)

Objective: To determine if there is functional differences in activation of motor cortex measured by funciontal near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) on Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients compared to healthy people. Background: PD is one of the …

Predicting muscle anaerobic threshold by using a wearable optical sensor during exercise

The anaerobic threshold (AT) is a point during intense exercise that can be used to predict muscular fatigue. Determining the AT non-invasively helps to adjust exercise intensity and prevent overuse injuries. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is an …

A virtual ball task driven by forearm movements for neuro-rehabilitation

The present study was aimed at describing a semi-immersive virtual reality environment, driven by a 3D hand sensing device (LEAP Motion Controller), to define a virtual task based on a virtual ball moving on a virtual path. The prefrontal cortex …

Building Trust and safety Correlates for Autonomous Systems using Physiological, Behavioral, and Subjective Measures

The use of collaborative robots (cobots) in the industrial setting has grown and continues to expand globally, especially in the context of the smart factory. Mistrust and stress results, as cobots don’t provide facial, auditory, and visual cues that …

Decoding Mental Workload in Virtual Environments: A fNIRS Study using an Immersive n-back Task

Clinical translation of optical quantification of muscle function to aid pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation following partial spinal cord injury

Background: Spinal cord injury (SCI) compromises muscle function; when the pelvic floor muscles (PFM) are involved continence is affected. Women with partial injury rely on PFM rehabilitation therapy (PFMT) to aid continence, but the current lack of …