Dynamic cerebral autoregulation estimates derived from near infrared spectroscopy and transcranial Doppler are similar after correction for transit time and blood flow and blood volume oscillations

We analysed mean arterial blood pressure, cerebral blood flow velocity, oxygenated haemoglobin and deoxygenated haemoglobin signals to estimate dynamic cerebral autoregulation. We compared macrovascular (mean arterial blood pressure-cerebral blood …

Cerebral blood flow and oxygenation at maximal exercise: The effect of clamping carbon dioxide

During exercise, as end-tidal carbon dioxide (PETCO2) drops after the respiratory compensation point (RCP), so does cerebral blood flow velocity (CBFv) and cerebral oxygenation. This low-flow, low-oxygenation state may limit work capacity. We …

Effects of aging on the cerebrovascular orthostatic response

When healthy subjects stand up, it is associated with a reduction in cerebral blood velocity and oxygenation although cerebral autoregulation would be considered to prevent a decrease in cerebral perfusion. Aging is associated with a higher incidence …

Effect of ventilation on cerebral oxygenation during exercise: Insights from canonical correlation

We tested hypothesis that cerebral deoxygenation near maximal exercise intensity is mediated by hyperventilation, via hypocapnia-induced reductions in cerebral blood flow, by utilizing canonical correlation analysis (CCA) to determine the relative …