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J. Patrick Neary
Acute sport-related concussion alters cardiac contribution to cerebral oxygenation during repeated squat stands
Sport-related concussion alters cerebral hemodynamic activity during controlled respiration
Long-term effects of multiple concussions on prefrontal cortex oxygenation during a hypercapnic challenge in retired contact sport athletes
Long-term effects of multiple concussions on prefrontal cortex oxygenation during neurovascular coupling activation in retired male contact sport athletes
Firefighter pre-frontal cortex oxygenation and hemodynamics during rapid heat stress
History of Brain Injury Alters Cerebral Haemodynamic Oscillations with Cardiac Influence
Long-term effects of multiple concussions on prefrontal cortex oxygenation during repeated squat-stands in retired contact sport athletes
Mild poikilocapnic hypoxia increases very low frequency haemoglobin oxygenation oscillations in prefrontal cortex
Effect of dark chocolate supplementation on tissue oxygenation, metabolism, and performance in trained cyclists at altitude
Comparison of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and near-infrared transillumination-backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS) methods
Neurovascular Coupling by Functional Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy and Sport-Related Concussion in Retired Rugby Players: The UK Rugby Health Project
Assessing prefrontal cortex oxygenation after sport concussion with near-infrared spectroscopy