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L. Bruce Gladden
Relationship between muscle venous blood oxygenation and near-infrared spectroscopy: quantitative analysis of the Hb and Mb contributions
Blood volume vs. deoxygenated NIRS signal: computational analysis of the effects muscle O 2 delivery and blood volume on the NIRS signals
Effect of acute nitrite infusion on contractile economy and metabolism in isolated skeletal muscle in situ during hypoxia
Acute physiological effects of whole body vibration (WBV) on central hemodynamics, muscle oxygenation and oxygen consumption in individuals with chronic spinal cord injury
Slowed muscle oxygen uptake kinetics with raised metabolism are not dependent on blood flow or recruitment dynamics
VO 2 on-kinetics in isolated canine muscle in situ during slowed convective O 2 delivery
A prior bout of contractions speeds V̇o2 and blood flow on-kinetics and reduces the V̇o2 slow-component amplitude in canine skeletal muscle contracting in situ