
The gold-standard research device for the measurement of muscle oxygenation

Publications using the PortaMon

Cold-Water Immersion and Lower Limb Muscle Oxygen Consumption as Measured by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Trained Endurance Athletes

Context: Cold-water immersion (CWI) has been reported to reduce tissue metabolism postimmersion, but physiological data are lacking regarding the muscle metabolic response to its application. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a noninvasive optical …

Continuous blood flow restriction during repeated‐sprint exercise increases peripheral but not systemic physiological and perceptual demands

This study examined the impact of continuous blood flow restriction (BFR) during repeated‐sprint exercise (RSE) on acute performance, peripheral, systemic physiological, and perceptual responses. In a randomized crossover design, 26 adult male …

Insight into brain-muscle oxygenation relationship before and after anaerobic threshold using near-infrared spectroscopy: a feasibility study

Monitoring the oxygenation levels of the prefrontal cortex during exercise is crucial in assessing decision-making abilities and cognitive responsibilities. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a non-invasive optical technique that measures and …

Muscle Oxygen Extraction during Vascular Occlusion Test in Physically Very Active versus Inactive Healthy Men: A Comparative Study

An increase in the delivery and use of oxygen to the musculature in physically active subjects are determinants of improving health-related aerobic capacity. Additional health benefits, such as an increase in the muscle mass and a decrease in fat …

Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) Observation of Vastus Lateralis (Muscle) and Prefrontal Cortex (Brain) Tissue Oxygenation During Synchronised Swimming Routines in Elite Athletes

The development of underwater Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (uNIRS) has enabled the measurement of tissue oxygenation within the swim environment. Unique physiological responses, such as the diving reflex, have been shown to occur during synchronized …

The addition of blood flow restriction during resistance exercise does not increase prolonged low‐frequency force depression

At a given exercise intensity, blood flow restriction (BFR) reduces the volume of exercise required to impair post‐exercise neuromuscular function. Compared to traditional exercise, the time course of recovery is less clear. After strenuous exercise, …

Comparison of skeletal muscle oxidative function in young, middle-aged, and older males and females with similar physical activity levels

Compared with younger adults, mitochondrial capacity and microvascular reperfusion of the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle are well maintained in similarly physically active middle-aged and older adults, with no sex differences observed in either …

Effect of hypoxic sprint interval exercise and normoxic recovery on performance and acute physiological responses

Abstract: Hypoxic exercise, which can induce arterial and tissue deoxygenation, promotes physiological adaptations. However, reduced oxygen availability can lower the absolute training intensity (i.e., mechanical stress). Adding normoxic recovery to …

Mechanisms underlying exercise intolerance in long textlessspan style="font-variant:small-caps;"textgreaterCOVIDtextless/spantextgreater : An accumulation of multisystem dysfunction

The pathogenesis of exercise intolerance and persistent fatigue which can follow an infection with the SARS‐CoV‐2 virus (“long COVID”) is not fully understood. Cases were N= 32; 44 ± 12 years; 10 (31%) men), and age‐/sex‐matched healthy controls (HC) …

Methodological considerations on near-infrared spectroscopy derived muscle oxidative capacity

Purpose: Different strategies for near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)-derived muscle oxidative capacity assessment have been reported. This study compared and evaluated (I) approaches for averaging trials; (II) NIRS signals and blood volume correction …

Paraspinal muscle oxygenation and mechanical efficiency are reduced in individuals with chronic low back pain

This study aimed to compare the systemic and local metabolic responses during a 5-min trunk extension exercise in individuals with chronic low back pain (CLBP) and in healthy individuals. Thirteen active participants with CLBP paired with 13 healthy …

Peripheral muscle oxygenation, pain, and disability indices in individuals with and without nonspecific neck pain, before and after myofascial reorganization®: A double-blind randomized controlled trial

To investigate whether myofascial reorganization®in the trapezius muscle (MRT) improves peripheral muscle oxygenation and pain tolerance and decreases neck disability index (NDI) scores in individuals with and without nonspecific neck pain (NP) using …

Muscle Oximetry in Sports Science: An Updated Systematic Review

Background: In the last 5 years since our last systematic review, a significant number of articles have been published on the technical aspects of muscle near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), the interpretation of the signals and the benefits of using …

Altered tissue oxygenation in patients with post COVID-19 syndrome

Background: Post COVID-19 syndrome (PCS) is a complex condition with partly substantial impact on patients' social and professional life and overall life quality. Currently, the underlying cause(s) of PCS are unknown. Since PCS-specific symptoms …

Effects of Hypoxia Severity on Muscle Oxygenation Kinetics Using Statistical Parametric Mapping During Repeated Treadmill Sprints

Purpose: We examined the effects of increasing hypoxia severity on oxygenation kinetics in the vastus lateralis muscle during repeated treadmill sprints, using statistical parametric mapping (SPM). Methods: Ten physically active males completed 8 …

Post-occlusive reactive hyperemia in habituated caffeine users: Effects of abstaining versus consuming typical doses

BACKGROUND: Post-occlusive reactive hyperemia (PORH) typically requires caffeine abstinence. For habitual users, it is unknown if abstinence affects PORH. OBJECTIVE: Compare PORH after habitual users consume or abstain from caffeine. METHODS: On …

Acute Responses to Repeated-Sprint Training in Hypoxia Combined With Whole-Body Cryotherapy: A Preliminary Study

Purpose : This study aimed to investigate acute psychophysiological responses to repeated-sprint training in hypoxia (RSH) combined with whole-body cryotherapy (WBC). Method : Sixteen trained cyclists performed 3 sessions in randomized order: RSH, …

Melatonin supplementation does not alter vascular function or oxidative stress in healthy normotensive adults on a high sodium diet

Abstract High sodium diets (HSD) can cause vascular dysfunction, in part due to increases in reactive oxygen species (ROS). Melatonin reduces ROS in healthy and clinical populations and may improve vascular function. The purpose was to determine the …

Muscle abnormalities worsen after post-exertional malaise in long COVID

Abstract A subgroup of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 remain symptomatic over three months after infection. A distinctive symptom of patients with long COVID is post-exertional malaise, which is associated with a worsening of fatigue- and …

Arterial stiffness mediates the association between age and processing speed at low levels of microvascular function in humans across the adult lifespan

The function of micro- and macro-vessels within the peripheral vasculature has been identified as a target for the investigation of potential cardiovascular-based promoters of cognitive decline. However, little remains known regarding the interaction …