Clinical and Rehabilitation
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The medical world is continuously searching for new ways to help people in need. Over the years, the NIRS devices from Artinis have shown to be well suited for research in a clinical setting.
Therapeutic exercises, manual therapy, and health education program for adolescents with temporomandibular disorders: face-to-face and online multimodal rehabilitation protocol for a randomized controlled clinical trial
Background Multimodal rehabilitation has shown good results in adults with temporomandibular disorder (TMD), but there is still doubt …
Single-centre, double-blinded, randomised placebo-controlled trial to determine the effect of a 12-week home-based programme of footplate neuromuscular electrical stimulation on walking capacity in people with peripheral artery disease: a protocol for the Foot-PAD trial
Introduction Patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD) can experience intermittent claudication, which limits walking capacity and …
Atypical prefrontal neural activity during an emotional interference control task in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is typically characterized by impairments in social interaction and communication, which may be …
Functional Clustering of Systolic Blood Pressure and Frontal Brain Oxygenation During an Active Stand Test in The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA): A Comparison of Tissue Saturation Index Versus Absolute Oxygenated Hemoglobin Concentration Approaches
Understanding the clinical implications of combined patterns of blood pressure and brain oxygenation dynamics during the transition …
Acute effects of manual breathing assist technique on lung volume and dyspnea in individuals with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A quasi-experimental study
Background: Manual breathing assist technique (MBAT) is a common physical therapy technique used to facilitate airway clearance and …
Differential impacts of body composition on oxygen kinetics and exercise tolerance of HFrEF and HFpEF patients
This study aims to (1) compare the kinetics of pulmonary oxygen uptake (VO2p), skeletal muscle deoxygenation ([HHb]), and microvascular …
Gerson Cipriano, Cássia Da Luz Goulart, Gaspar R. Chiappa, Marianne Lucena Da Silva, Natália Turri Silva, Amanda Oliveira Do Vale Lira, Edson Marcio Negrão, Luciana Bartolomei Orru DÁvila, Sergio Henrique Rodolpho Ramalho, Fausto Stauffer Junqueira De Souza, Graziella França Bernardelli Cipriano, Daniel Hirai, Dominique Hansen, Lawrence Patrick Cahalin
Effectiveness of a game-based high-intensity interval training on executive function and other health indicators of children with ADHD: A three-arm partially-blinded randomized controlled trial
Background Children with ADHD demand for effective intervention with minimum side effect to improve executive function (EF) and health …
Is virtual reality-based cognitive training in parallel with functional near-infrared spectroscopy-derived neurofeedback beneficial to improve cognitive function in older adults with mild cognitive impairment?
Purpose Cognitive training in parallel with functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)-derived neurofeedback has been identified to …
Microvascular Autoregulation in Skeletal Muscle Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Derivation of Optimal Mean Arterial Pressure in the ICU: Pilot Study and Comparison With Cerebral Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Microvascular autoregulation (MA) maintains adequate tissue perfusion over a range of arterial blood pressure (ABP) and is frequently …
Amirali Mirsajadi, Dustin Erickson, Soumya Alias, Logan Froese, Amanjyot Singh Sainbhi, Alwyn Gomez, Raju Majumdar, Isuru Herath, Maggie Wilson, Ryan Zarychanski, Frederick A. Zeiler, Asher A. Mendelson, on behalf of the Microvasclar Monitoring in Circulatory Shock, Sepsis (MiMICSS) Investigators, the Canadian Critical Care Translational Biology Group
Parkinson’s disease patients show delayed hemodynamic changes in primary motor cortex in fine motor tasks and decreased resting-state interhemispheric functional connectivity: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study
Significance People with Parkinson’s disease (PD) experience changes in fine motor skills, which is viewed as one of the hallmark signs …
Effects of a One-Day Experiential Sheep-Rearing Experience on Motivation, Anxiety, and Frontal Lobe Brain Activity in Patients with Chronic Psychiatric Disorders: A Crossover Pilot Study
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a one-day sheep-rearing experience on motivation and anxiety levels in …
Tracking the Recovery of a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patient utilizing a 60 s Combined Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Psychomotor Testing Approach A Case Study
Identifying and tracking the recovery of patients with mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI) has remained elusive due to the lack of …
Mechanisms underlying exercise intolerance in long textlessspan style="font-variant:small-caps;"textgreaterCOVIDtextless/spantextgreater : An accumulation of multisystem dysfunction
The pathogenesis of exercise intolerance and persistent fatigue which can follow an infection with the SARS‐CoV‐2 virus (“long COVID”) …
Peripheral muscle oxygenation, pain, and disability indices in individuals with and without nonspecific neck pain, before and after myofascial reorganization®: A double-blind randomized controlled trial
To investigate whether myofascial reorganization®in the trapezius muscle (MRT) improves peripheral muscle oxygenation and pain …
Were Frailty Identification Criteria Created Equal? A Comparative Case Study on Continuous Non-Invasively Collected Neurocardiovascular Signals during an Active Standing Test in the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA)
Background: In this observational study, we compared continuous physiological signals during an active standing test in adults aged 50 …
Prefrontal cortex hemodynamic activity during a test of lower extremity functional muscle strength in children with cerebral palsy: A functional near‐infrared spectroscopy study
Abstract Children with cerebral palsy (CP) exhibit impaired motor control and significant muscle weakness due to a brain lesion. …
Biomarkers of Peripheral Fatigue in Subjects with Vascular and Neurological Motor Disabilities During an Incremental Treadmill Test Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a progressive atherosclerotic disease that affects textgreater8 million Americans.1 Symptoms of PAD …
At-home computerized executive-function training to improve cognition and mobility in normal-hearing adults and older hearing aid users: a multi-centre, single-blinded randomized controlled trial
Abstract Background Hearing loss predicts cognitive decline and falls risk. It has been argued that degraded hearing makes listening …
Functional Analysis of Continuous, High-Resolution Measures in Aging Research: A Demonstration Using Cerebral Oxygenation Data From the Irish Longitudinal Study on Aging
Background: A shift towards the dynamic measurement of physiologic resilience and improved technology incorporated into experimental …
Operational Modal Analysis of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Measure of 2-Month Exercise Intervention Effects in Sedentary Older Adults with Diabetes and Cognitive Impairment
The Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD 2019 Diseases and Injuries Collaborators) found that diabetes significantly increases the …
C-STIM: Protocol for a randomized, single-blind, crossover study of cerebellar repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for postural instability in people with progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP)
Background Methods for modulating the cerebellum with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) are well established, and preliminary …
Gradient boosting textlessspan style="font-variant:small-caps;"textgreaterDD‐MLPtextless/spantextgreater Net: An ensemble learning model using near‐infrared spectroscopy to classify after‐stroke dyskinesia degree during exercise
This study aims to develop an automatic assessment of after-stroke dyskinesias degree by combining machine learning and near-infrared …
Analgesic Electrical Stimulation Combined with Wrist-ankle Acupuncture Reduces the Cortical Response to Pain in Patients with Myofasciitis: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Abstract Objective Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) based on wrist-ankle acupuncture has been shown to relieve pain …
Cerebral Autoregulation Assessment Using the Near Infrared Spectroscopy ‘NIRS-Only’ High Frequency Methodology in Critically Ill Patients: A Prospective Cross-Sectional Study
Impairments in cerebral autoregulation (CA) are related to poor clinical outcome. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a non-invasive …
Exertional Desaturation in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: The Role of Oxygen Supplementation in Modifying Cerebral-Skeletal Muscle Oxygenation and Systemic Hemodynamics
textbftextitBackground: In patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) with isolated exertional desaturation, there are limited …
Improved microvascular reactivity after aged garlic extract intake is not mediated by hydrogen sulfide in older adults at risk for cardiovascular disease: a randomized clinical trial
Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the effects of AGE on microvascular reactivity, systolic blood pressure (SBP), and diastolic …
Test–retest reliability of skeletal muscle oxygenation measurement using near‐infrared spectroscopy during exercise in patients with sport‐related iliac artery flow limitation
The ankle-brachial index is an accurate tool for detecting claudication in atherosclerotic patients. However, this technique fails to …
Cocreating a Harmonized Living Lab for Big Data–Driven Hybrid Persona Development: Protocol for Cocreating, Testing, and Seeking Consensus
Background Living Labs are user-centered, open innovation ecosystems based on a systematic user cocreation approach, which integrates …
Teemu Santonen, Despoina Petsani, Mikko Julin, Markus Garschall, Johannes Kropf, Vicky Van der Auwera, Sylvie Bernaerts, Raquel Losada, Rosa Almeida, Jokin Garatea, Idoia Muñoz, Eniko Nagy, Eva Kehayia, Elaine De Guise, Sylvie Nadeau, Nancy Azevedo, Sofia Segkouli, Ioulietta Lazarou, Vasileia Petronikolou, Panagiotis Bamidis, Evdokimos Konstantinidis
Muscle-Skeletal Abnormalities and Muscle Oxygenation during Isokinetic Strength Exercise in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction Phenotype: A Cross-Sectional Study
Exercise intolerance, a hallmark of patients with heart failure (HF), is associated with muscle weakness. However, its causative …
Quantitative Changes in Muscular and Capillary Oxygen Desaturation Measured by Optical Sensors during Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Titration for Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common sleep disorder, and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the most effective …
A randomized placebo-control trial of the acute effects of oxygen supplementation on exercise hemodynamics, autonomic modulation, and brain oxygenation in patients with pulmonary hypertension
Background: The integrative physiological effects of O2 treatment on patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH) during exercise, have …
Diminished prefrontal cortex activation in patients with binge eating disorder associates with trait impulsivity and improves after impulsivity-focused treatment based on a randomized controlled IMPULS trial
Background Behavioral and cognitive control are vital for healthy eating behavior. Patients with binge eating disorder (BED) suffer …
The association between generalized anxiety disorder and resting-state prefrontal cortex oxygenation is modified by self-reported physical activity: results from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing
Individuals with anxiety disorders exhibit lower intrinsic functional connectivity between prefrontal cortical areas and subcortical …
Rehabilitation improves mitochondrial energetics in progressive multiple sclerosis: The significant role of robot-assisted gait training and of the personalized intensity
Abnormal levels of pyruvate and lactate were reported in multiple sclerosis (MS). We studied the response of markers of mitochondrial …
The effectiveness of Robot-Assisted Gait Training versus conventional therapy on mobility in severely disabled progressIve MultiplE sclerosis patients (RAGTIME): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Background: Gait and mobility impairments affect the quality of life (QoL) of patients with progressive multiple sclerosis (MS). …
The reliability and minimal detectable change of the cardiovascular response and self-selected exercise intensity during forward and backward treadmill exercise in individuals with Parkinson disease
OBJECTIVE This study examined test-retest relative (intraclass correlation coefficient) and absolute (minimum detectable change) …
Investigation on acute effects of enzyme replacement therapy and influence of clinical severity on physiological variables related to exercise tolerance in patients with late onset Pompe disease
Exercise intolerance is one of the clinical hallmarks of late-onset Pompe disease (LOPD). We studied the acute effects of ERT on the …
Effects of different early rehabilitation techniques on haemodynamic and metabolic parameters in sedated patients: Protocol for a randomised, single-bind, cross-over trial
Introduction: Early rehabilitation has become widespread practice for patients in intensive care; however, the prevalence of intensive …
Impact of flavonoid-rich black tea and beetroot juice on postprandial peripheral vascular resistance and glucose homeostasis in obese, insulin-resistant men: A randomized controlled trial
Background: Insulin-stimulated muscle blood flow facilitates plasma glucose disposal after a meal, a mechanism that is impaired in …
Near-infrared spectroscopy - electroencephalography-based brain-state-dependent electrotherapy: A computational approach based on excitation-inhibition balance hypothesis
Stroke is the leading cause of severe chronic disability and the second cause of death worldwide with 15 million new cases and 50 …
Investigating online effects of transcranial direct current stimulation from NIRS-EEG joint-imaging using Kalman Filter based online parameter estimation of an autoregressive model Investigating online effects of transcranial direct current stimulation fr
Although, there has been a significant improvement in neuroimaging technologies and analysis methods, the fundamental relationship …
Acute oxygenation changes on ischemic foot of a novel intermittent pneumatic compression device and of an existing sequential device in severe peripheral arterial disease
Background: Intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) improves haemodynamics in peripheral arterial disease (PAD), but its effects on …
Acute physiological effects of whole body vibration (WBV) on central hemodynamics, muscle oxygenation and oxygen consumption in individuals with chronic spinal cord injury
Purpose: (1) Investigate the acute effects of whole body vibration (WBV) on central hemodynamic responses, muscle oxygenation and …
Calf muscle stimulation with the Veinoplus device results in a significant increase in lower limb inflow without generating limb ischemia or pain in patients with peripheral artery disease
Objective: Increase in arterial inflow to the lower limbs is important to obtain functional improvement in peripheral artery disease …