Sports science
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The field of sport Science is one of the first research fields where NIRS found wide use application. In sport Science it is critical to have insight in the local muscle oxygen consumption. The Artinis PortaMon and PortaLite are great wireless tools for this purpose and have become the golden standard as oxygen monitor because of this.
Therapeutic exercises, manual therapy, and health education program for adolescents with temporomandibular disorders: face-to-face and online multimodal rehabilitation protocol for a randomized controlled clinical trial
Background Multimodal rehabilitation has shown good results in adults with temporomandibular disorder (TMD), but there is still doubt …
Efectos del Entrenamiento Respiratorio de Fuerza versus Resistencia sobre la Desoxigenación Tisular inducida por Ejercicio de Alta Intensidad en Atletas de Resistencia Aeróbica
Introducción. El entrenamiento de músculatura respiratoria (EMR) aminora los efectos negativos del reflejo metabólico sobre el …
Boys vs men differences in muscular fatigue, muscle and cerebral oxygenation during maximal effort isometric contractions: the effect of muscle blood flow restriction
Purpose To examine whether the children’s superiority, over adults, to resist fatigue during repeated maximal-efforts depends on their …
Differential impacts of body composition on oxygen kinetics and exercise tolerance of HFrEF and HFpEF patients
This study aims to (1) compare the kinetics of pulmonary oxygen uptake (VO2p), skeletal muscle deoxygenation ([HHb]), and microvascular …
Gerson Cipriano, Cássia Da Luz Goulart, Gaspar R. Chiappa, Marianne Lucena Da Silva, Natália Turri Silva, Amanda Oliveira Do Vale Lira, Edson Marcio Negrão, Luciana Bartolomei Orru DÁvila, Sergio Henrique Rodolpho Ramalho, Fausto Stauffer Junqueira De Souza, Graziella França Bernardelli Cipriano, Daniel Hirai, Dominique Hansen, Lawrence Patrick Cahalin
Effectiveness of a game-based high-intensity interval training on executive function and other health indicators of children with ADHD: A three-arm partially-blinded randomized controlled trial
Background Children with ADHD demand for effective intervention with minimum side effect to improve executive function (EF) and health …
Reliability and Convergent Validity of Endurance Indices Derived from Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Electromyography during a Bilateral Hanging Task in Amateur Rock Climbers
Background: The ability to hang for a long time before forearm muscle fatigue is a crucial element of successful rock climbing. …
Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in vivo assessment of skeletal muscle oxidative capacity: a comparison of results from short versus long exercise protocols and reproducibility in non-athletic adults
Background: Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) provides a non-invasive, cost-effective method for assessing skeletal muscle oxidative …
No Combined Effect of Caffeinated Chewing Gum and Priming Exercise on Oxygen Uptake and Muscle Near-Infrared Spectroscopy-Derived Kinetics: A Double-Blind Randomized Crossover Placebo-Controlled Trial in Cyclists
This study aimed to investigate the effects of caffeine ingestion by chewing gum (GUMCAF) combined with priming exercise on pulmonary …
Short-duration aerobic high-intensity intervals versus moderate exercise training intensity in patients with peripheral artery disease: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (the Angiof-HIIT Study)
Introduction: Supervised exercise training is among the first-line therapies for patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD). Current …
Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) Observation of Vastus Lateralis (Muscle) and Prefrontal Cortex (Brain) Tissue Oxygenation During Synchronised Swimming Routines in Elite Athletes
The development of underwater Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (uNIRS) has enabled the measurement of tissue oxygenation within the swim …
Tracking the Recovery of a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patient utilizing a 60 s Combined Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Psychomotor Testing Approach A Case Study
Identifying and tracking the recovery of patients with mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI) has remained elusive due to the lack of …
Mechanisms underlying exercise intolerance in long textlessspan style="font-variant:small-caps;"textgreaterCOVIDtextless/spantextgreater : An accumulation of multisystem dysfunction
The pathogenesis of exercise intolerance and persistent fatigue which can follow an infection with the SARS‐CoV‐2 virus (“long COVID”) …
Enhanced Blood Supply Through Lower Body Negative Pressure During Slow-Paced, High Load Leg Press Exercise Alters the Response of Muscle AMPK and Circulating Angiogenic Factors
Lower body negative pressure (LBNP) is an established method of simulating the gravitational effects of orthostasis on the …
Innovative and disruptive technologies to prescribe, encourage, and evaluate physical exercise in healthy adults: a protocol of exploratory study followed by a noninferiority, investigator-blinded randomized clinical trial
Abstract Background Cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of mortality worldwide. A significant contributing factor to this …
Brain activation associated with low‐ and high‐intensity concentric versus eccentric isokinetic contractions of the biceps brachii: An textlessspan style="font-variant:small-caps;"textgreaterfNIRStextless/spantextgreater study
Abstract Studies have shown that neural responses following concentric (CON) and eccentric (ECC) muscle contractions are different, …
Operational Modal Analysis of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Measure of 2-Month Exercise Intervention Effects in Sedentary Older Adults with Diabetes and Cognitive Impairment
The Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD 2019 Diseases and Injuries Collaborators) found that diabetes significantly increases the …
The Effect of Skeletal Muscle Oxygenation on Hemodynamics, Cerebral Oxygenation and Activation, and Exercise Performance during Incremental Exercise to Exhaustion in Male Cyclists
This study aimed to elucidate whether muscle blood flow restriction during maximal exercise is associated with alterations in …
Complex Network Model Reveals the Impact of Inspiratory Muscle Pre-Activation on Interactions among Physiological Responses and Muscle Oxygenation during Running and Passive Recovery
Although several studies have focused on the adaptations provided by inspiratory muscle (IM) training on physical demands, the warm-up …
Comparing muscle VO $_textrm2$ from near-infrared spectroscopy desaturation rate to pulmonary VO $_textrm2$ during cycling below, at and above the maximal lactate steady state
Muscle oxygen uptake (V̇O 2m ) evaluated from changes in the near-infrared spectroscopy oxygen desaturation slope during a 5-s arterial …
Test–retest reliability of skeletal muscle oxygenation measurement using near‐infrared spectroscopy during exercise in patients with sport‐related iliac artery flow limitation
The ankle-brachial index is an accurate tool for detecting claudication in atherosclerotic patients. However, this technique fails to …
Muscle-Skeletal Abnormalities and Muscle Oxygenation during Isokinetic Strength Exercise in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction Phenotype: A Cross-Sectional Study
Exercise intolerance, a hallmark of patients with heart failure (HF), is associated with muscle weakness. However, its causative …
Repeated sprint training under hypoxia improves aerobic performance and repeated sprint ability by enhancing muscle deoxygenation and markers of angiogenesis in rugby sevens
Objective To evaluate the effects of repeated sprint (RS) training in hypoxia on aerobic performance, repeated sprint ability (RSA), …
A randomized placebo-control trial of the acute effects of oxygen supplementation on exercise hemodynamics, autonomic modulation, and brain oxygenation in patients with pulmonary hypertension
Background: The integrative physiological effects of O2 treatment on patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH) during exercise, have …
A novel gravity-induced blood flow restriction model augments ACC phosphorylation and PGC-1$α$ mRNA in human skeletal muscle following aerobic exercise: A randomized crossover study
This study tested the hypothesis that a novel, gravity-induced blood flow restricted (BFR) aerobic exercise (AE) model will result in …
Concurrent adaptations in maximal aerobic capacity, heat tolerance, microvascular blood flow and oxygen extraction following heat acclimation and ischemic preconditioning
We investigated the effects of: 1) Ischemic pre-conditioning (IPC) plus a concurrent five-day heat acclimation + IPC (IPC + HA), 2) …
Impact of carbohydrate ingestion on cognitive flexibility and cerebral oxygenation during high-intensity intermittent exercise: A comparison between maple products and usual carbohydrate solutions
Background: The aim of this study was to compare the effects of carbohydrate (CHO) drinks (6% per volume) sweetened with maple (syrup …
Effects of small-sided games and highintensity interval training on aerobic and repeated sprint performance and peripheral muscle oxygenation changes in elite junior basketball players
The aim of the current study was to compare the effects of 6 weeks of small-sided game (SSG) and high-intensity interval training …
Oral nitrate supplementation differentially modulates cerebral artery blood velocity and prefrontal tissue oxygenation during 15 km time-trial cycling in normoxia but not in hypoxia
Background: Nitrate is a precursor of nitric oxide (NO), an important regulator of cerebral perfusion in normoxic and hypoxic …
The reliability and minimal detectable change of the cardiovascular response and self-selected exercise intensity during forward and backward treadmill exercise in individuals with Parkinson disease
OBJECTIVE This study examined test-retest relative (intraclass correlation coefficient) and absolute (minimum detectable change) …
THE IMMEDIATE AND EXTENDED EFFECT OF DIET AND EXERCISE ON METABOLIC FLEXIBILTY A Dissertation Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in The Schoo
Metabolic inflexibility is an emerging physiological marker indicative of metabolic dysfunction and associated with type 2 diabetes …
High-intensity Interval training enhances mobilization/functionality of endothelial progenitor cells and depressed shedding of vascular endothelial cells undergoing hypoxia
Purpose: Exercise training improves endothelium-dependent vasodilation, whereas hypoxic stress causes vascular endothelial dysfunction. …
Acute physiological effects of whole body vibration (WBV) on central hemodynamics, muscle oxygenation and oxygen consumption in individuals with chronic spinal cord injury
Purpose: (1) Investigate the acute effects of whole body vibration (WBV) on central hemodynamic responses, muscle oxygenation and …
Effect of end-tidal CO 2 clamping on cerebrovascular function, oxygenation, and performance during 15-km time trial cycling in severe normobaric hypoxia: the role of cerebral O 2 delivery
During heavy exercise, hyperventilation-induced hypocapnia leads to cerebral vasoconstriction, resulting in a reduction in cerebral …
Oxygen Consumption in Cycling: The Relationship between Whole Body Pulmonary O2 Consumption and Muscle Oxygenation in Different Muscles During Constant-Load Cycling
Introduction: Oxygen consumption during prolonged cycling exercise has been extensively studied at different work rates and durations, …